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How to Create Windows Control Library and how to use in C#.Net

Sachindra Singh34351 27-Jan-2011
The Windows Control Library project template is used to create custom controls to use on Windows Forms .In the VS .NET IDE environment, controls can be found by clicking the toolbox icon. Windows controls can be either UI controls like "Edit" , "Label" , "ListBox" ,”TextBox”,”Button”etc (Found under the Windows Forms Tab ) .To create a control under the VS .NET IDE environment.

With the help of Windows Form Control Library user can create own control. In this demonstration creating user control that will perform mathematical operation on two numbers.

How to create Windows Control Library

  •   Select Window from Installed Templates in Visual C#
  •   Select Window From Control Library
  •   Click OK

How to Create Windows Control Library and how to use in C#.Net

After click OK button new Window will appear, on user control  simply drag and drop four button on it and button will be “Add”,”Subtract”,”Multiply” and ”Division” as  shown below:

How to Create Windows Control Library and how to use in C#.NetHow to Create Windows Control Library and how to use in C#.Net

To create user control
publicpartialclassUserControl1 : UserControl
        intnum1=0, num2=0, res=0;//declaring three member variables of int type
        Controlctrl1, ctrl2, ctrl3;//declaring three member variables of Control
        stringname1, name2;//declaring three member variables of string that will store textBox name
        privatevoid UserControl1_Load(objectsender, EventArgse)
        publicstringTextBoxName1//creating property for textBox
                returnname1;//this line will return textBox name
                name1=value;//this line will set textBox name
        publicstringTextBoxName2//creating property for textBox
                returnname2;//this line will return textBox name
                name2=value;//this line will set textBox name
        privatevoidbtnAdd_Click(objectsender, EventArgse)
            ctrl1= (TextBox)FindForm().Controls[name1];//in this line FindForm() method will find textBox control from the Form where the name of textBox is  store in name1
            ctrl2= (TextBox)FindForm().Controls[name2];//in this line FindForm() method will find textBox control from the Form where the name of textBox is  store in name2
            if (ctrl1==null|| ctrl2==null)//checking condition
                MessageBox.Show("TextBox can not blank");//it will show message
                return;//return the execution
                MyControl();//this a function
                res =num1+num2;//adding variable value and storing in res
                Display();//this a function
            catch (Exceptionex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);//it will show message if exeception occurs
        privatevoidbtnSub_Click(objectsender, EventArgse)
            ctrl1= (TextBox)FindForm().Controls[name1];
            ctrl2= (TextBox)FindForm().Controls[name2];
            if (ctrl1==null|| ctrl2==null)
                MessageBox.Show("TextBox can not blank");
                res =num1-num2;//storing value in res after subtraction
            catch (Exceptionex)
        privatevoidbtnDiv_Click(objectsender, EventArgse)
            ctrl1= (TextBox)FindForm().Controls[name1];
            ctrl2= (TextBox)FindForm().Controls[name2];
            if (ctrl1==null|| ctrl2==null)
                MessageBox.Show("TextBox can not blank");
                res =num1/num2;//storing value in res after division
            catch (Exceptionex)
        privatevoid UserControl1_Load_1(objectsender, EventArgse)
            ctrl3= (TextBox)FindForm().Controls["textBox3"];//in this line FindForm() method will find textBox control from the Form where the name of textBox is textBox3
            num1=Convert.ToInt32(ctrl1.Text);//Converting in integer and storing in num1
            num2=Convert.ToInt32(ctrl2.Text);//Converting in integer and storing in num2
            ctrl3.Text= Convert.ToString(res);//in this line res is storing as a text in textBox3
        privatevoidbtnMul_Click_1(objectsender, EventArgse)
            ctrl1= (TextBox)FindForm().Controls[name1];
            ctrl2= (TextBox)FindForm().Controls[name2];
            if (ctrl1==null|| ctrl2==null)
                MessageBox.Show("TextBox can not blank");
                res =num1*num2;//storing value in res after multiplication
            catch (Exceptionex)
For adding user control in ToolBox:
  •    Right  Click on the Toolbox
  •    Select Choose Items

How to Create Windows Control Library and how to use in C#.Net

After the “Choose Items” new toolbox “Choose Toolbox items” will be open click on the browse button and you have to specify where user control folder is.

How to Create Windows Control Library and how to use in C#.Net

After Select user control folder follow this step:
  •   Open folder
  •   Open sub folder (bin)
  •   Open bin sub folder (Debug)
  •   Open  Debug folder
  •   In Debug folder open  user control ( .dll)
  •   Then click on OK

After that we can see user control(UserControl1) has added in ToolBox, when we want to use this user control simply drag and drop on the form as shown below:

How to Create Windows Control Library and how to use in C#.NetHow to Create Windows Control Library and how to use in C#.Net

This demonstration control can perform mathematical operation (Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide) and result will be show in result TextBox as shown below.

How to Create Windows Control Library and how to use in C#.Net

  publicpartialclassForm1 : Form
        privatevoid textBox1_TextChanged(objectsender, EventArgse)
            userControl11.TextBoxName1=txtName1.Name;//this line will take textbox name and store in user control property TextBoxName1
        privatevoid textBox2_TextChanged(objectsender, EventArgse)
            userControl11.TextBoxName2=txtName2.Name;//this line will take textbox name and store in user control property TextBoxName2
        privatevoidForm1_Load(objectsender, EventArgse)
        privatevoid textBox3_TextChanged(objectsender, EventArgse)
        privatevoid userControl11_Load_3(objectsender, EventArgse)


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